change of pace

interim strategy for this site

My main concern with this blog is that I have completely neglected it lately. I’ve been playing first Skyrim and now Minecraft, and I’m also getting busier at work.

As such, this project isn’t getting the time necessary to actually make good progress.

the plan up ‘til now

If you’ve taken a look at my repository, you’ll notice that I’d started an Angular.JS branch. Essentially, I was going to be decoupling the back-end from the front-end, establishing a REST API in the process.

I’ve been quite taken with Angular.JS lately. It seems like a rapid way to implement typical front-end functionality. Also, one word: Google. :)

This would have given me the freedom to focus on missing functionality without wondering how to maintain JavaScript-free operation. The hope was that I could quickly replicate existing server-side functionality in front-end JavaScript using the REST API.

Given my time constraints, I just didn’t finish this decoupling. Worse, it was actually quite tedious to even store a blog post, so what limited time I had was split between making posts and building the functionality to support posts.

the new plan

I am postponing my attempt at building out this blog project. It’s not likely to happen any time soon.

However, I do still wish to blog, and I have aspirations for smaller focused posts about specific tricks or experiments I am playing with.

For the time being, I will be changing this service considerably:

  • dropping the MongoDB storage for now, it’s cheap but I could be saving the money in the meantime
  • stopping the blog server instances for now, again it is money better spent elsewhere
  • shifting the content to a ready-to-use blog solution

next time…

So I’ll be looking at several solutions for blog hosting, and I’ll post about my choice and what to look forward to in future.

Ron -